Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Can Cats Eat Cherries? Top 10 Cat Cherry Facts

Can cats eat cherries? Well, many pet owners are opting for cat food alternatives over commercial process ones. The reason is to ensure the well-being of their furry friends.

Cats can eat cherries since they are considered to be safe and healthy. However, you should note that cats are obligated carnivores hence never replace their diet with fruits.

Feeding your feline friend with the correct amount of cherries is not bad and this should be done according to the vet’s recommendation.

The article from more insightful information about cats and cherries. Take your time to read through step by step. Can cats have cherries? Let’s find out:

Can Cats Eat Cherries?

Cherries are quite safe for felines and they are packed with a lot of nutrients not only good for humans but also cats.

Cherries are a good source of vitamins and minerals that help to promote the good health of the feline friend.

Also, they are packed with antioxidant properties that help to protect the cat against oxidative stress and anti-inflammatory properties that help to speed up the healing process.

Besides that, cherries are quite vital for aging cats since they help to foster the regeneration of joints and also prevent swellings.

All in all, we do recommend you consult your veterinarian for more insight about the safety of the feline after eating cherries.

Can Cats Have Cherries?

Absolutely yes. But this should be done in proportion since cherries tend to contain a lot of sugars.

The digestive system of the cat is unable to digest this natural sugar and excessive accumulation in the body can have a negative impact on the cat.

However, feeding your feline a small amount of unpitted cherries is not bad and it should be done once as a cat treat.

Besides that, cats are obligate carnivores and they do not benefit much from cherries as human beings.

Is It Good For Cats To Eat Cherries?

Are cherries safe for cats? Yes. These fruits are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that are ideal for protecting the feline against daily stresses.

The ingredients of the cherries also help to reduce the risk of illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease in cats.

Besides that, cherries help to relieve joint pains in senior cats suffering from arthritis thus making it good treats for cats.

Cherries are good for cats only if you remove the pits. However, cherries will not help your furry friend meet their daily nutritional needs.

Cats mainly rely on real meat for proteins and it is good not to substitute the diet of the cat with cherries.

Are Cherries Poisonous To Cats

Are cherries toxic to cats? Not really. So long as the pits have been removed then cherries are not poisonous to the felines.

According to research, pits are known to contain cyanide which is toxic. The toxic substance makes the body’s enzymes not work well in the felines.

Excessive accumulation of cyanide in the body of the cat could result in labored breathing, discolored gums, dilated pupils, and even death if left untreated.

To reduce the chance of subjecting your feline friend to many risks, it is advisable not to feed them with cherries.

After all, cherries do not meet the daily cat nutritional needs. Consult your veterinarian if the feline has consumed a lot of pitted cherries for examination and treatment.

Do Cats Like Cherry Flavor?

Unfortunately, cats do not have sensory receptors for tasting sweet stimuli. Therefore, it is quite hard to tell if they love cherry flavors.

On the other hand, felines do not like bitter-tasting drugs. This is the reason why deworming a feline friend can be a nightmare for many cat owners.

The good news is that they do like the flavors of the fish, bacon, beef, and chicken. These meals can form a trick of administering pills for the furballs.

If you own a canine friend, you’ll realize that they love sweet-tasting flavors and this is one of the reasons why dogs like cherry flavours.

Can Cats Eat Cherry Yogurt?

Absolutely yes. Cats can eat cherry yogurt. But this should be done with some restrictions since cats are obligate carnivores.

Ensure the cherry yogurt is plain and if possible contains probiotics. This is because the digestive system of the cats cannot digest lactose present in the milk cherry yogurt.

According to veterinarians, pussycats are not supposed to be fed dairy products since it can make them sick.

However, the probiotic featured in yogurt help to facilitate good digestion in cats and also promote healthy being.

Lastly, do not include cherry yogurt in the daily diet of cats since it contains natural sugars that the digestive system of the cat will be unable to digest.

Can Cats Eat Cherry Stems?

Absolutely no. The stems of cherries contain cyanide which is poisonous to the cats. This is one of the reasons why you should never feed your feline friend with pitted cherries.

Also, stems are quite hard and they can either choke or cause dental problems to the felines. Do not use cherry stems as cat trees since they are proven to be poisonous.

In case your feline friend has eaten cherry blossoms then it is advisable to contact your veterinarian for treatment immediately.
Can Kitten Eat Cherries?

Kittens can eat cherries but remember to remove the pits before feeding them. Also, do not substitute these fruits for their daily nutritional needs.

Kittens that have not reached the weaning stage should never be fed with these fruits since it might choke them to death.

Also, the sugar and cyanide presence in the fruit can be hazardous to the young kitties. The best thing to do is to stay away from cherries.

Final Thoughts about Cats and Cherries

So can cats eat cherries? Of course yes but this should be done in moderation and restrictions. Ensure the pits on the cherries are removed before feeding the felines.

Giving your feline friend a small number of cherries help to boost antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substance for preventing diseases.

If the furry friend consumes pitted cherries by bad lack then consult your veterinarian immediately for diagnosis and treatment.

I hope the article has been useful when it comes to cherries and cats. Use the comment section below to share your experience or story about the fruit.

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Sources and References

  1. Cherry: ASPCA.
  2. Cherry Poisoning in Cats. Wag Walking.
Serina Russow
Serina Russowhttp://smartcatlovers.org
Hey there, I'm Serina, your friendly feline fanatic! As the proud founder of "Smart cat lovers," I'm on a mission to share my passion for all things cat-related. With years of experience in cat behavior and health, I'm here to provide expert advice on nurturing happy, healthy kitties. When I'm not tapping away on my keyboard, you'll find me curled up with my four adorable furballs: Whiskers, Luna, Billy, and Charlie.

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