Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Category: Cat Myths and Facts

Comfortable Temperature For Cats – 7 Safety Tips For Cats At Home

What is a comfortable temperature for cats? The normal temperature range for cats is between 100.5 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit quite higher from the human body temperature. Therefore, they can tolerate higher temperatures than...

Cat Scratch Fever in Cats

Cat scratch disease is also known as Feline Bartonella. The flea and tick-borne illness is picked up by cats from grooming or staying close to a broader. During the early stages, the cat...

Siamese Cats All You Need to Know Guide

One of the most popular cat breeds to have is the Siamese cat. So what are Siamese cats? What do they look like? As the name implies, Siamese cats come from Siam. So...

How Many Times A Year Does A Cat Go Into Heat? 7 Main Facts

How Many Times A Year Does A Cat Go Into Heat? Well, this is a funny question but it is worth having an insight especially if your feline friend is not spayed. According...

Why Do Cats Smell Good?

Ever wondered why cats smell good? Well, it could be because of the new body wash you have used lately. But we are not talking about that. Cats have a pleasant natural odor...

How Many Kittens Can A Cat Have At One Time?

There are several terms to call a cat. A male cat is called a tom or tom cat while a female cat is called a queen. The parent or mother cat is referred...

Why Is My Cat Thin At The Back End?

If your cat is skinning lately, you might be worried about why is my cat thin at the back end. Well, there is no one reason for this. However, we have tried...

Is Vaseline Safe for Cats?

Having a lot of hair on the intestine is not good for cats. Thus, owners have a question: is Vaseline safe for cats? There can be a situation of constipation, blockage, or...
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