Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Is My Cat So Small?

Why Is My Cat So Small? Read on to find the best answer!

If you are a cat parent and you wonder why your cat is so small. Then you are at the right place.

Just like humans cat also varies in size and height. You must have observed that the animal of the same breed varies in size, weight, and height.

A cat might be small due to its genetic design. But factors like gender, breed, feeding pattern, and diabetes also determine the height of your cat.

So sometimes, even with proper nutrition and care, the size of your cat might be small.

There is nothing to worry about it. There are some breeds like munchkin and Devon rex that are naturally small. Aren’t their tiny furry legs adorable! Most cats grow until they are one year old, while some keep growing until they are four to five years old, for example – Maine cacoon. Now let’s answer your concern about why my cat is so small.

Why Is My Cat So Small?

Cats can vary in size. But is it a matter of concern? Sometimes it should be taken care of, and sometimes it’s biological. So, the main point is you must know why my cat is so small. If you are still worried about their health, read this article till the end to know if your cat’s small is healthy or not!

1. Gender

It is observed that male cats tend to be bigger than female cats. So if your cat is a female, then having a smaller size is entirely normal and healthy.

2. The Runt

When a cat gives birth, there is always a kitten that is the weakest, therefore, called the runt of that litter. So if you have a cat that has given birth to kittens, but one of them is comparatively smaller than the others, it probably is the weakest one.

Such kittens might have structural, functional, or metabolic abnormalities. These abnormalities aren’t always dominating, and proper care can help in restoring health and strength. However, if not taken care of, such weak kittens usually don’t survive.

3. Poor Feeding Pattern

Small size can also be due to the poor feeding pattern. This might indicate that your cat is underweight. It is essential to track the feeding pattern of your cat to find out the loopholes that are keeping your cat from gaining weight.

Cats are highly skilled predators and hunt small animals multiple times a day. They usually eat less in one portion, but the number of the portion is more. So you need to feed your cat in small portions from time to time to keep them nourished.

4. Poor Nutrition

Your cat might be small due to the lack of proper nutrition at an early age. We all know the importance of mother’s milk in the growth and nourishment of the newborn.

A kitten feeds on its mother’s milk up to 8 weeks after birth. If a kitten fails to receive the right nutrients after birth, its growth gets affected.

5. Cat Dwarfism

Ever wondered why munchkin cats are so tiny? The answer is dwarfism. Such cats suffer from pseudoachondroplasia, a genetic defect.

This defect hampers a cat’s growth, and body parts fail to attain their maximum size. This is the reason behind the munchkin cat’s disproportionate body.

6. Parasites

Internal parasites like tapeworms, hookworms, and roundworms affect cat’s health. Such parasites also interfere with the kitten’s growth. If your cat has symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, or a bloated belly, then do visit a veterinarian, as your cat might be suffering from internal parasites.

7. Diabetes

Not only humans but even cats suffer from diseases like diabetes and hypothyroidism. If your cat eats regularly and there isn’t any decrease in the appetite. But there is a significant amount of weight loss, or your cat fails to gain weight no matter what. Then it’s time to visit a veterinarian and solve the issue as soon as possible.

Till What Age Does A Cat Grow? 

If you have adopted a new kitten or an older cat, you must have many questions about their size. Understanding the feline growth cycle is the right place to start. Kittens grow very fast.

By the time you celebrate their first birthday, they are already an adult. Cats reach adulthood at the age of 10-12 months. And as they reach 80% of their adulthood, their growth starts to slow down.

At the age of 40 weeks, they reach their maximum size.

So if your cat is already one year old or above, then the chances of them growing bigger by any means is very less.

However, if you still think that your cat is underweight or suffering from a certain disease, you must learn all the reasons for keeping your cat from growing big and gaining weight.


After going through all the above reasons, you must have understood that several factors determine a cat’s size and weight. It might be normally small due to its genetic design or maybe because of certain diseases like internal parasites, diabetes, or hypothyroidism.

If you suspect that the small size of your cat is due to some underlying disease, consult a veterinarian soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is My Small Cat Normal?

Yes, cats vary in size. A naturally small cat is considered healthy. However, poor nutrition and diseases can hamper a cat’s growth.

Why Is My Cat’s Head Smaller Than Its Body?

If your cat is obese or overweight, its head might appear smaller than its big body. It is normal.

What Are Some Small Cat Breeds?

Some small-sized cat breeds are Devon rex, American curl, and munchkin, etc.

Serina Russow
Serina Russow
Hey there, I'm Serina, your friendly feline fanatic! As the proud founder of "Smart cat lovers," I'm on a mission to share my passion for all things cat-related. With years of experience in cat behavior and health, I'm here to provide expert advice on nurturing happy, healthy kitties. When I'm not tapping away on my keyboard, you'll find me curled up with my four adorable furballs: Whiskers, Luna, Billy, and Charlie.
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