Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Comfortable Temperature For Cats – 7 Safety Tips For Cats At Home

What is a comfortable temperature for cats?

The normal temperature range for cats is between 100.5 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit quite higher from the human body temperature.

Therefore, they can tolerate higher temperatures than we do only if they have access to water.

When the heat goes overboard in the feline body, they have different ways of cooling down. They are smarter than dogs and don’t panic when the temperature level is higher.

They get dead quiet and inactive to avoid adding up the heat on the already soaring heat in their body.

They will run to cool places in your home like the basements where it is cool and spread their body for heat to escape.

They will seek for water by any means to drink stave off from dehydration.

When the temperatures are extreme, cats sweat from their paw pads and nose to relieve their bodies off the heat.

And if the heat continues to soar, they may pant like dogs to expel heat off their bodies.

Cats are known to be efficient at regulating their body temperatures therefore can tolerate high temperatures than we do.

How to record a cat’s body temperature

Disease and prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures (hot or cold) may lower or raise the body temperature of a cat out of the normal range. Mild fever in cats results as part of a disease-fighting system just like it is for humans.

But if persistent, it can cause fatal damage and call for a professional to help. You can’t easily tell by holding them when they have a fever or not and you can’t test their body temperature by letting them hold on to a thermometer or putting it under their tongue.

The accurate model of reading their body temperature is by inserting the thermometer into a place they will not like – rectally. I know it is going to be a tough experience for both of you but it is worth trying.

Knowing the pet’s temperature will help you let the vet know if she or he is suffering a fever upfront.

Use a rectal thermometer dedicated to cats to read the temperatures of your cat and if possible the digital one. And the best or call it the worst part begins. Hold your cat firmly on the surface and tuck it under one arm with the tail held upwards, you may perform this exercise with someone else.

Of course not a stranger to your cat. Gently insert a lubricated thermometer inside the anus to about an inch and leave it there for at least three minutes. After three minutes, remove the equipment gently and record the readings to tell your vet.

That is the only way you can tell whether your cat has a fever or not before heading to a vet for further diagnosis if you feel your cat is acting strange.

Hopefully, now you know how to examine your feline friend from the inside out. And now you know when it is necessary to take her to a professional for help. Hopefully, your cat will soon be on the road to recovery.

Comfortable Temperature For Cats & Body Temperature

Normal temperature for felines ranges between 100 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit or 37.7 and 39.1 degrees Celsius. Infections in felines increase body temperature in a way to respond to and fight infectious organisms – pyrexia.

How a cat regulates body temperature is no different from the way we do. Thermoregulation is a term that refers to the control of body temperature when external factors decrease or increase body temperature. Cats respond to temperature changes in their bodies by;

Changing location: cats move to a shady location when it is extremely hot or move into the sun when it is extremely cold. These are a behavioral response to changes in weather.

Vasoconstriction and vasodilation: The narrowing of blood vessels to restrict blood flow near the skin to reduce the loss of heat is vasoconstriction while blood vessels dilate when it is hot to increase blood flow near the surface to encourage heat loss is vasodilation. This happens in humans too.

Hairs: The cat’s hair stands on the end to improve air insulation when it is extremely cold. It shields loss of heat to the environment, while they sleep normally on the hair coat when it is too hot to encourage loss of heat into the environment.

Shivering: when body temperature drops and all the other mechanisms are unsuccessful in restoring it, your cat will begin to shiver. Muscles shiver slightly to produce warmth by expending energy. Cats also shiver to respond to fever.

Sweating: sweating in cats is not as important as it is in humans but they do sweat a little in their paw pads and nose to expel heat from their body.

What Is The Ideal Room Temperature for Cats?

The body temperature of a cat ranges from 38.05 to 39.2 degrees Celsius which a little higher than that of human beings.  This means that if you are comfortable with the temperature in your home, it is likely that your cat is also comfortable. This is the most Comfortable Temperature For Cats.

Cats like to keep warm all the time, that’s why most of the time you find them curled up or snuggling close to human beings. Cats hate being cold and they risk hypothermia when they are exposed to cold temperatures for long. When it is too cold a cat reacts by showing some discomfort.

Cats are likely to cope with cool temperatures provided there is an opportunity for them to keep warm. Provide warm blankets for them to find comfort when they get uncomfortable due to cold. Keep an eye on them to monitor distress resulting from temperature changes and respond by maintaining optimal conditions.

During summer seasons, there is a high risk of heatstroke which may affect your cats. The cats should be exposed to proper ventilation and access to clean water to help them cool down. Other times you can also run the AC to cool down the temperature if it becomes too high for your cat.

Cats do well it moderate temperatures not too cold nor too hot, a range of 18.3 to 23.8 degrees Celsius ideal.

How Do Cats Survive Extreme Cold?

Cats can adapt easily to cold weather but when it is too cold they risk frostbite and there are high chances of hypothermia. When the cats are exposed to cold, they are likely to die after some weeks of exposure. They become more vulnerable to cold when they are too old, sick fragile, or still too young.

Outdoor cats suffer a lot during winter seasons, especially at night. Cats will only survive extremely cold temperatures by looking for warm shelters to keep them from the cold.

You can provide some shelter for your cat outside the house to provide some warmth for it when it wants to be out for some time.

Your cat can cope well under the well-maintained optimal temperatures all the time.

What Temperature Is Too Cold For Cats?

A cat should keep warm when it is cold. All the sleeping areas for your pets must have warm blankets to ensure the cats keep warm at their convenience.

A cat may not shiver when it is cold since all cats react differently. The temperature of your cat can be monitored using thermometers, but this may be a little invasive to the cats. Therefore it is good to look out for signs that signify that your cat is cold. How do you know that your cat is cold? Your cat is cold if they are;

  • Snuggling close to human beings to keep warm.
  • Sleeping close to other cats so that they can share their body heat.
  • Moving close to sources of heat.
  • Sleeping in a ball-like position.

You can also tell if a cat is cold by touching some of its body parts like ears, paw pads, or tail.

When the room temperature of your house is below 18 degrees Celsius, your cat is likely cold.

Once you establish that your cat is cold, keep it warm by heating the room or providing it with warm blankets.

What Temperature Is Too Hot For Cats?

Cats tolerate warmer temperatures and tend to handle heat better than human beings and other pets. Cats have a preference for being warm most of the time.

During morning hours when the sun is rising, you find cats exposing their bodies to the sun rays for some heat.

However, when the heat is too much the cats find ways to cool their bodies. They like it hot but not too hot. Consider providing clean water near the spots the like to relax and put on the AC. Also, ensure all the windows are open for good air circulation to optimize room temperatures in the house.

So, how do cats like it hot? Cats like it warm but get uncomfortable when the heat is too much.

In conclusion, what temperatures do cats like? Cats like temperatures that generate comfort and energy efficiency in their bodies.

Cats can survive in cold conditions for some time but they are likely to die from prolonged exposure to extreme cold. Find out whether your cat is feeling cold; provide warm conditions to cut out the cold. Also when it is too hot ensure to provide some measures to cool the temperatures to the optimum level.

The room temperature in your home must be between 18.3 and 23.8 degrees Celsius. Avoid extremely cold or high temperatures to maintain optimum conditions for your cat’s comfort.

Learn the behavior of your pet in varied temperatures and act accordingly to protect it from harsh temperatures. You can also get a thermometer to help you monitor the cat’s body temperature.  Make sure to choose the perfect temperature for your cat, not too hot and not too cold.

What causes high body temperature in cats

There are two causes of high temperatures in cats namely;

  • Fever – pyrogenic
  • Hyperthermia – non-pyrogenic

Fever is commonly caused by infections but there are other causes such as medications, cancer, inflammation, endocrine disorders, autoimmune diseases, and vascular disorders. Hyperthermia happens when external temperatures rise above the body’s temperature and the body cannot undergo thermoregulation to bring temperatures to normal. This is heatstroke and heatstroke requires urgent attention from the vet.

What causes low body temperature in cats

A common cause of hypothermia is prolonged exposure to cold. But not to say no other causes. Medication, blood infection, kidney disease, and diabetic ketoacidosis are other possible causes of hypothermia. Also, infants or old-aged cats may fail to regulate their body temperatures.

How to reduce fever in felines?

If you notice your cat has a fever, the best thing to do before reaching a vet is to introduce fans to cool their bodies and give them plenty of cool fresh water. Avoid baths because they could worsen the situation. Do not administer any medication unless under the directions of a qualified vet. If your cat suffers from heatstroke, refer it to the vet immediately without giving them anything.

Upon reaching a vet, antibiotics will be administered to treat the bacterial infection while for viral infection, support care by fluid and nutritional support is accorded.

Serina Russow
Serina Russowhttp://smartcatlovers.org
Hey there, I'm Serina, your friendly feline fanatic! As the proud founder of "Smart cat lovers," I'm on a mission to share my passion for all things cat-related. With years of experience in cat behavior and health, I'm here to provide expert advice on nurturing happy, healthy kitties. When I'm not tapping away on my keyboard, you'll find me curled up with my four adorable furballs: Whiskers, Luna, Billy, and Charlie.
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