Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Why Is My Cat Drinking A Lot Of Water?

Why is my cat drinking a lot of water? Good question from a concerned cat parent. Well, most animals drink the water due to thirst, just like human beings.

However, when these feline friends experience an increase in the intake of water, it could be a sign of a health problem.

In this article, I am going to highlight some of the reasons why a cat drinks a lot of water and how much water should I cat drink in a day.

Reasons Why a Cat Drink Lots of Water

Naturally, cats should not drink too much water. However, some may experience a health problem that fosters them to do so to quench their thirst.

Here are some of the common reasons why is my cat drinking a lot of water. They include:

Cat’s Food Diet

Switching cat food from wet to dry will force your feline friend to increase the intake of water than before.

Healthy cats do not drink water frequently to keep them hydrated since they consume more wet foods.

According to experts, wet food is the most recommended for cats. Therefore, feeding your little ball with dry food will make them increase the intake of water.

Hot Weather

Generally, during winter, both humans and animals experience a low intake of water. This is because the temperature level is quite small.

On the other hand, hot weather, especially during summer, makes cats thirstier, and this could be the reason behind the large intake of water.

Kidney Problem

Old cats are commonly affected by kidney problems. According to the survey, almost one-third of cats over 15 years are usually concerned with the condition.

It is easier to identify a cat having kidney issues since they tend to drink lots of water and also experience weight loss.

Therefore, we recommend you take your feline friend to a professional vet for examination once you notice the unusual behavior.

Diabetes in Cats

The correlation between the increase in weight and diabetes stands to be true. Obesity is more common in male cats than in female counterparts.

Therefore, little balls with too much weight and diabetes are likely to experience a large intake of water.

Once again, a trip to a vet will help to curb the situation. Never, ignore when you notice your feline has increased intake of water since it could be a sign of danger like diabetes.

Thyroid Problems in Felines

Hyperthyroidism is likely to cause thirst and weight loss in your feline friend. However, there are other health problems like kidney disease that can show similar symptoms.

If a thyroid problem remains untreated, then it could result in a complicated issue and even cause death.

Cat parents who adore their pets will consider seeking immediate medical help from a professional.

How Much Water Should My Cat Drink

There are different breeds of cats around the world, and every kind tends to be quite different from the other.

Therefore, the intake of water depends on health, diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors among many others.

Consult your vet to know the exact amount of water your feline friend should take in a single day.

However, according to experts, a healthy cat should take about four ounces of water in a day, especially those with about 9 lbs in weight.

If you notice your feline is taking more than this in a day, then it is a clear indication that there is a problem somewhere.

On the other hand, cats generally take less water if they are on a wet diet rather than on dry food.

Always learn to monitor the intake of water behavior from your feline since you can determine something about their health in the long run.

Cat Drinking a Lot of Water and Meowing

Research shows that it is normal for a cat to increase its intake of water as the weather warms up. When temperatures are high, most animals, including cats, tend to lose more water and become thirsty.

However, if you notice a strange behavior like increasing the intake of water and meowing from your little ball, then it is a clear indication that there is a problem.

Cats suffering from urinary tract infections usually experience an increased intake of water and also begin to cry while urinating.

We recommend you consult your vet for diagnosis and treatment. Untreated UTIs in cats will affect their reproductive system.

How To Decide If Your Cat Is Drinking Too Much Water

If you have a feline that tends to empty a bowl of water faster than healthy, then there could be some health problems with her or him.

Also, if you notice your little ball visiting the water bowl frequently and finish all the water, then you need to consult your vet.

If you are not sure how much water your feline friend drinks, then it is high time to start measuring before pouring in the bowl.

Cats that are ever thirsty usually need medical examination since it could be something severe cropping up.

How To Encourage A Cat That Is Not Drinking Water

Water is an essential component of life, and it is necessary to encourage reluctant cats to drink some amount.

Failure of the cats to drink some water is likely to result in painful little stones in the urinary tract.

You need to devise means how to encourage her to take some water for their well-being. Ensure the bowl is clean, and it has fresh water throughout.

Did you know cats love running freshwater? Well, you can get your feline a water fountain to encourage him or her to drink.

Final Verdict on Cat Drinking Much Water

Always learn to monitor the behavior of your feline friends, whether they take or rarely take water.

Increased intake of water could be an indication that your little ball is in trouble. Visit your vet for the examination of the cat.

You should note that not all problems causing thirst can be cured, but they can be treated or controlled to reduce the chances of your cat falling sick.

Sources and References

  1. Leslie Kuczynski. “Thirsty Cats.” Metropolitan Veterinary Associates.
  2. DR. Patty Khuly VMD. “Cat Drinking Lots of Water.” Vet Streets.
Serina Russow
Serina Russowhttp://smartcatlovers.org
Hey there, I'm Serina, your friendly feline fanatic! As the proud founder of "Smart cat lovers," I'm on a mission to share my passion for all things cat-related. With years of experience in cat behavior and health, I'm here to provide expert advice on nurturing happy, healthy kitties. When I'm not tapping away on my keyboard, you'll find me curled up with my four adorable furballs: Whiskers, Luna, Billy, and Charlie.

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