Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Why Is My Cat Thin At The Back End?

If your cat is skinning lately, you might be worried about why is my cat thin at the back end. Well, there is no one reason for this. However, we have tried to cover up the most prominent reasons behind the skinning of your cat in this article.

Why Is My Cat Thin At The Back End?

Use your hands if you can’t tell whether or not your cat is too slim visually or if you’re just not sure.

One of the common ways to know that your cat is thinning is to check if their fat is reduced or not. Just like you can see your knucklebones, if the cat’s ribs are visible like that, then your cat is becoming underweight.

If you run your hand down their stomach and it is sucked in, they are slim. An underweight cat has a visible backbone, prominent hips, and a pronounced spine.
The best way to view your cat is to check it from the top.

A well-in-shaped cat has a tucked-in waist, built-up fat (not too much), and is radiant in appearance; however, if it looks like a fluffball and weighs more than average, it is overweight and unhealthy.

The Physical Appearance

Some cats have varied body structures; even if they are the same weight, some may appear leaner while others appear larger. Maine Coons and Norwegian Forest Cats are tough cats who have evolved to thrive in difficult situations.

Their hefty stature is a characteristic of their breed. The owner would most likely not realize if they become thin at the back end by glancing at them. That is why, in this scenario, sensing your cat’s physique is crucial.
However, some cats are visibly slim. However, this may be due to their breed’s description. The Devon Rex, for example, is a cat breed recognized for its slim bodies and skinny legs, similar to the Sphynx save for the latter’s lack of fur.
Breeds like Cornish Rex or Russian blue are known to have a thin and long body shape.

They may be muscular, but they are fine-boned and may even appear fragile, which may lead you to believe that your cat is skinny in the back.


While you may be hoping for a straightforward explanation, it’s also necessary to consider the alternatives. Weight loss might be an indication of a health problem. Therefore it’s crucial to seek other signs so you can help your kitty regain their health.

Diabetes In Cats (Diabetes Mellitus) 

The body of a cat with this illness cannot produce or respond to the hormone insulin effectively. The sugar glucose levels, the body’s primary energy source, are high in living beings with diabetes. According to studies, “between 0.2 and 1% of cats in the general population are thought to have diabetes.”

“Obesity, together with age and gender, is one of the most important risk factors in cats,” says Margarethe Hoenig, a professor at the Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine. “The most significant part of minimizing the risk of diabetes in cats is owner education about controlling calorie intake,” she adds.

Change In The Surroundings

Minor changes might cause cats to become agitated, and this is usually due to the fact that they are creatures of habit. If your cat’s surroundings have changed recently, don’t be shocked if you notice them eating less and becoming significantly thinner as a result.

A modification in their feeding schedule or the brand of food they eat may induce anxiety. A soiled litter box could compound their misery. If your cat prefers to be alone, inviting guests around or relocating to a noisy area could be detrimental to their health.

It’s typical for pet animals like cats to feel upset after going through detachment from their surroundings when you have recently changed your home. In fact, your cat can also feel anxious or bitter (leading to loss of appetite) when you bring a new pet into your home.

On the other side, if you had two linked cats and one of them died, your cat could get melancholy as a result. Loss of appetite and sluggishness are common complaints. According to many kinds of research, even healthy cats can become ill when their environment changes.


Why is my cat’s back end so thin? Muscle water on the hind end can be produced by age, lack of food, specific illnesses, or even sadness, despite the fact that a cat’s back end usually is slightly narrower. It’s critical to visit your veterinarian if you observe a change in your cat’s health.


If I Can Feel My Cat’s Spine, Is She Too Skinny?

Examine the area around your cat’s spine.

You should be able to feel the bones again, but not too strongly. Your cat is underweight if the vertebrae feel knobbly or as though nothing is on top of them. You have an overweight cat if they’re tough to feel.

Should I Feel Worried If I Can Feel The Shoulders Of My Cat?

It’s perfectly natural. You can clearly feel a cat’s shoulder blades in practically any position if it is underweight. Feeling a cat’s shoulder blades, on the other hand, does not necessarily indicate that the cat is thin.

Is It Terrible If I Can Feel The Ribs Of My Cat?

Your cat is too skinny if you can see the ribs or feel any fat around the ribcage. Although there can be more fat surrounding the base, you may still feel the bones. Your cat is malnourished if the bones appear to stick out.

Serina Russow
Serina Russowhttp://smartcatlovers.org
Hey there, I'm Serina, your friendly feline fanatic! As the proud founder of "Smart cat lovers," I'm on a mission to share my passion for all things cat-related. With years of experience in cat behavior and health, I'm here to provide expert advice on nurturing happy, healthy kitties. When I'm not tapping away on my keyboard, you'll find me curled up with my four adorable furballs: Whiskers, Luna, Billy, and Charlie.

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