Thursday, July 25, 2024

Do Maine Coon Cats Shed?

Do Maine Coon Cats Shed? Read on to find the best answer!

The Maine coon is one of the largest breeds of cats currently in the world. The Maine coon is also the oldest breed, mostly found in North America, and this breed of cat has been adopted as a state animal in the State of Maine, USA.

So, do Maine coon cats shed? Let’s see.

Do Maine Coon Cats Shed?

Maine coons have the following characteristics:

  • Large-size-Maine coons that are mature can weigh up to 25 lbs in males and 18 lbs in females compared to other cat breeds that only weigh about 10 lbs. In terms of length, Maine coon cats are longer than other cats in that a full-grown Maine can be as long as 48-100cm.
  • A faster growth rate gives Maine cats bones and muscles to grow larger than other cats.
  • Healthier than other breeds.
  • Have distinct features such as an extra toe, tufts of fur within paws, large and round paws, large eyes that are expressive, etc.

What Causes Shedding in Maine Coons?

Do Maine coons shed? I know you may wonder, but the answer is yes. Just like any other breed of cats, they do. There are many reasons as to why Maine coons shed their fur, which include:

  • Excessive Grooming

Cats are animals that enjoy grooming themselves daily. Let’s say, for example, your cat is suffering from pest infestation, and you are not aware. This may lead to over-grooming, where chunks of fur are pulled out, causing excessive shedding.

  • Nutrition

For you to have healthy skin, you eat well, right? Unfortunately, the same concept applies to Maine coons. When a Maine is not feeding a healthy, well-balanced diet, the chances are that unhealthy shedding will occur.

Fur health and growth depend so much on vitamins, minerals, or any other type of food that your Maine coon feeds on. When a cat is given a balanced diet, less sheds its hair because it has a healthy coat. Hair becomes shiny and healthy too!

  • Stress

As your cat’s physical health is essential, emotional well-being should be taken care of as well. When exposed to stressful situations, cats begin shedding their hair, just as we humans do when we are experiencing emotional turmoil.

Many reasons can make our felines get stressed.

For instance:

  • Changes in the usual routine.
  • A new home/environment.
  • Visits to the veterinarian.
  • Attacks from other pets.
  • Unwelcoming guests in your homes, such as unfriendly guests or pets.

Stressful events can be characterized by continuous licking and scratching, a situation that leads to a condition known as Psychogenic Alopecia.

  • Allergic Responses

Did you know that cats suffer from allergic reactions just as we do? Now you know. Maine coons are usually at high risk for developing allergies due to their long hair.

When this hair is mistakenly inhaled or swallowed by your kitty, it may end up triggering an allergy. You may notice your cat sneezing, having watery eyes and just being sickly.

Most allergic reactions are characterized by excessive itching, scratching, and biting, which in return may end up leaving your Maine bald in some areas. In addition, factors such as foods, medications, pollens, and perfumes can cause a response in your cat.

  • Genetics

Maine coons inherit their genetic DNA from their ancestors. So that means, if their parents were suffering from a certain condition, your Main coon is likely to inherit the same disease. So, for example, your feline may suffer from heart conditions, renal failure, gingivitis, and many other diseases.

When an animal is unwell, its general well-being will be compromised, affecting every cell of the body, including hair-making cells. This, in return, may make your Maine con’s hair fall off, become scarce, and very coarse.

How To Prevent Excessive Hair Shedding In Your Maine Coon?

  • Proper grooming-if you want to reduce excessive shedding in your Maine coon, just make sure the environment it lives in is clean. Bath it daily and use animal-friendly shampoos to clean the fur and coat. You can also trim its long hair or just call a professional to do it for you.
  • Regular brushing-Maine possesses long hairs that require almost daily brushing. You can do this by stroking the hair gently with a soft brush. This will prevent hair from entanglement, resulting in hair loss because it’s hard to comb such hair.
  • Diet Improvement-feed your feline a high-quality diet according to her age. Choose foods that are rich in Omega-3 B, which promotes hair growth. Ensure that it drinks adequate amounts of water as part of its diet. You can introduce a fountain or add ice cubes to water if it refuses to drink from its bowl.
  • Regular check-ups-Just as you would take your child to the hospital for check-ups, your Maine coon deserves that too. This makes it healthy, and free of parasites, infections, and anything else that increases abnormal hair shedding.

Interesting Facts About Maine Coon Cats

  • They love water.
  • They are also called gentle giants.
  • They have been cloned successfully.
  • Maine coon cats have a very loving personality.
  • It’s a cat breed made for winter.
  • There are 75 Maine coon colors.


Since these cats are known to have layers of thick fur, it means that this fur sheds regularly. Shedding of fur is a natural process that enables these cats to get rid of dead skin cells and loose fur.

The quantity of fur being shed by Maine coon cats depends on diet, genetics, and environment. Some cats may shed their fur daily, while others do it once in a while.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Do Maine Coon Cats Need Much Grooming?

These cats don’t need grooming every second, but they need to be well taken care of because their hair matters a lot. You can gently brush it once a day, and your cat will be neat.

Can I Reduce Excessive Shedding of My Maine Coon Hair?

Yes, you can, and it’s possible. You just need to ensure that your feline is eating a balanced diet that especially contains Omega-3 fats. Then, take it to the veterinarian often and groom it accordingly.

Do Maine Coons Eat a Lot?

These cats do not eat a lot of food, especially if you have calculated their meal portions. The foods they feed on are high in nutrients, which means they don’t need to eat much to survive. Mains need less food to get calories and nutrients.

Serina Russow
Serina Russow
Hey there, I'm Serina, your friendly feline fanatic! As the proud founder of "Smart cat lovers," I'm on a mission to share my passion for all things cat-related. With years of experience in cat behavior and health, I'm here to provide expert advice on nurturing happy, healthy kitties. When I'm not tapping away on my keyboard, you'll find me curled up with my four adorable furballs: Whiskers, Luna, Billy, and Charlie.

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