Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Why Is My Cat Sneezing?

Why is my cat sneezing? A common question that is tossing the mind of many cat parents on the ocean. Well, Kelvin Bruce DVM is going to walk you through the possible causes and forms of treatment to consider.

An occasional cat sneezing is considered to be a regular thing just like in humans.

It could be a healthy response to irritants like dust, and this does not need any form of treatment.

If other symptoms accompany cat sneezing like nasal discharge, red eyes, eye discharge, fever, and loss of appetite, then consult your veterinarian.

These weird symptoms are an indication that your feline friend is sick, and it is advisable to seek help from a professional.

What Does It Mean When a Cat Sneezes?

Why is my cat sneezing? There are many factors behind why your cat is sneezing a lot. Here are some of the possible causes of cat sneezing:

Feline Allergies

Allergies could be due to something in the diet or environment like household cleaning detergents. Allergies commonly cause cat skin problems.

Allergies can also result in cat hay fever, which is marked by sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose.

If sneezing occurs at a certain period of the year, then it is called seasonal allergy.

Therefore, keep your feline friend indoors and try to monitor him or her.

If other weird symptoms crop up, then see your veterinarian immediately.

Nasal Cancer

Cat sneezing due to nasal cancer is a rare problem.

Therefore, do not get worried when you notice your cat is sneezing consistently.

Nevertheless, if your little ball keeps on sneezing bloody nasal discharge, then it could be due to the tumor growth inside the nose.

Take him or her to the nearest pet hospital for further diagnosis.

A scan will be taken and determine the cause of the tumour growth.

Intranasal Vaccines

A cat suffering from respiratory infections is usually administered with vaccines to help manage and treat the problem.

However, the vaccines have some side effects like sneezing, but this usually lasts for a couple of days and then disappears.

There is no treatment for this kind of sneezing.

Therefore, do not get worried once your little ball starts experiencing the problem after vaccination.

Dental Disease

A feline tooth experiencing dental disease is likely to allow the spread of bacteria into the nasal sinus.

The bacteria causing the dental conditions will then cause sinus infections again.

Sinus infection will cause inflammation on the nasal membrane, and this will also trigger kitten sneezing. See your veterinarian for treatment.

Chemical Irritants

A cat can experience inflammation in the nose and sinuses after being exposed to a noxious smell or chemical fumes linked to certain solvents.

The inflammation will later trigger occasional sneezing in the cat as a result of irritation.

Some cat breeds are quite sensitive to fumes of tobacco and perfumes.

No treatment is required here.

Respiratory Infections

Respiratory infections such as viral infections can also be the reason why your cat is sneezing too much.

Cat cold is a common thing among many breeds of cat.

Some of the common infectious diseases causing cat sneezing are Herpes virus, bacterial infections, Chlamydia infections, Calicivirus, and fungal infections.

Spotting viral infection is quite easy since it is accompanied by cat sneezing and coughing as well as excessive tearing.

Foreign Bodies

Cats love playing in the grass around the backyard.

The playful behavior makes them susceptible to the entry of foreign bodies like grass blades or awns into the nose.

These foreign bodies irritate the nasal cavity.

Therefore, the cats will be forced to sneeze out to expel them.

In case they are not dismissed, it will result in a nasal infection.

Simple Nose Tickle

Feline nostrils are quite sensitive even simple tickles from dust, or mild chemicals can irritate them.

The irritation will then trigger reflexive sneezing, which is considered to be healthy.

Think of burning a pepper inside the house. What usually happens? This is the same way the little balls experience.

Feline Leukemia

This is one of the most severe infections, and research shows that it is among the leading in causing cat deaths.

The virus attacks the immune system of the cat and causes anemia.

The virus is transmitted from one cat to another through body fluids like saliva, blood, urine, and feces.

Outdoor cats and multicast are highly susceptible to the virus.

It is advisable to seek medical help from a professional veterinarian.

When to Seek Veterinarian Help

If you notice the cat has a chronic sneezing problem, or it keeps on recurring, then it is advisable to take him or her to the vet for further examination.

Once you have facts about why is my cat sneezing.

Research shows that other upper respiratory infections can be complicated for your little balls.

These diseases can result in a secondary infection that can be fatal for your feline.

Therefore, if you realize that your feline has a persistent sneezing problem accompanied by bloody nasal discharge, high fever, excessive tearing, and loss of appetite, then seek medical help immediately.

Treatment for Sneezing Cat

Why is my cat sneezing? Well, the treatment of cat sneezing depends on the underlying cause. Some of the ordinary kitten sneezing treatments include:

Vaccination is one of the best forms of treating the viral infection causing feline sneezing.

If your feline has already caught cat flu, then supportive care is highly recommended.

Removal of the infected tooth is another way of treating dental disease-causing feline sneezing.

Dental abscess treatment should only be done by a professional vet nearby.

In the case of nasal cancer, the vet will recommend chemotherapy and radiotherapy before conducting surgery.

The main aim of surgical treatment is to remove the nasal growth.

Prescription of antibiotics will help get rid of bacteria causing sneezing and antifungal medicines for treating fungi, causing upper respiratory infection.

Sources and References

  1. Kristiina Ruotsalo, DVM, DVSc. “Testing for Sneezing and Nasal Discharge.” VCA Hospital.
  2. Editor. “Fungal Infection (Blastomycosis) in Cats.” Pet MD.
  3. Arnold Plotnick, DVM. “Kitten Sneezing.” Chewy
Serina Russow
Serina Russowhttp://smartcatlovers.org
Hey there, I'm Serina, your friendly feline fanatic! As the proud founder of "Smart cat lovers," I'm on a mission to share my passion for all things cat-related. With years of experience in cat behavior and health, I'm here to provide expert advice on nurturing happy, healthy kitties. When I'm not tapping away on my keyboard, you'll find me curled up with my four adorable furballs: Whiskers, Luna, Billy, and Charlie.

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