Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up?

Why is my cat throwing up? Well, this is a familiar cry from many cat owners. Kelvin Bruce DVM will walk you through some possible causes, treatments, and hacks on how to prevent your feline friend from throwing up.

Throwing up is something cats occasionally do. It can be quite disgusting if the little ball vomits in the presence of a dinner guest.

Many cat parents usually reach quickly for carpet shampoo and other cleaning detergents instead of checking on their friend first.

Therefore, get to know the reasons why your cat is vomiting and when you should seek medical help from a veterinarian.

What are the Types of Cat Vomiting?

Felines tend to throw up for several reasons. Some of the causes can be serious, and some may not.

It’s pretty a common problem among cat breeds. Let’s find out more about types of cat vomiting before we check on the causes.

Feline Vomiting Occasional

On occasion, vomiting implies that your cat vomits once or twice in a month. However, some cat breeds vomit once or twice per year.

Acute Cat Vomiting

Acute feline vomiting tends to occur suddenly, and it usually results in a bad experience for your little ball. It involves projectile vomiting that can be disgusting.

Chronic Feline Vomiting

Chronic vomiting among cats frequently occurs in a week. The vomiting type can make your feline friend dehydrated if no supportive care is offered. You need to see your veterinarian for assistance.

What Causes Cat Vomiting?

Why is my cat throwing up? The question is quite common in many cat forums and communities. However, many cat owners have not found a convincing answer.

Having been in the veterinarian industry for a couple of three decades, here are some of the possible causes of cat vomiting:

Cat Hairballs

Hairballs commonly cause feline vomiting. Many cat parents do not groom their friends, and this will force them to groom himself or herself.

The loose fur can get stuck on the rough tongue, and the cat will swallow instead of spitting. Accumulation of these clumps of hair in the stomach reduces space for food.

The cat will be forced to throw up frequently after eating. It is the reason why cat caregivers are supposed to groom their feline friends regularly.

Eating Quickly

Some cats are great punkers, and they tend to clear the food in the bowl as fast as possible. The gluttonous behavior makes most of them throw up after eating.

Find a trick on how to prevent such cats from eating too fast and swallowing huge chunks of food. Get a bowl with a light at the center to help regulate the speed.

Sudden Introduction of New Food

Many cat owners have the habit of switching cat food brands on some occasions, and then their feline friend begins to vomit.

Some canned food brands can irritate the cat, and this can force them to throw up immediately after eating.

If you’re planning to switch the food brand, then do it gradually. However, you can still change back to the old food to prevent feline vomiting.

Irritation from Grass or Plants

Many people prefer having houseplants or letting their friends hang out in the backyard for some time.

Most of the cats will attempt to eat the grass or the houseplant, which will irritate their throat. The irritation will then trigger vomiting.

Therefore, ensure the houseplant and other vegetation around your backyard are non-toxic to prevent cat death.

Parasite Infestations

How often do you deworm your cat? If you never deworm them then stop complaining about why your cat is vomiting.

Cat vomiting is another sign of worms, and it is advisable to see your veterinarian for a prescription. Stop buying over-the-counter fake deworming drugs unless your vet specifies the kind of medicine to buy.

Obstruction in the Stomach

Some cat breeds are great chewers. They can eat plastics, toys, rubber bands, and papers which get stuck in the esophagus or stomach.

The cat will attempt to vomit as a way of expelling the foreign object, but it can be in vain. Call your veterinarian immediately if you suspect so for assistance.

When to See a Veterinarian for Help

When should I be concerned about a cat throwing up? Well, it is considered normal when your little ball throws up once or twice and appears normal after that.

However, if you suspect that your cat has eaten something dangerous, call your veterinarian immediately.

Also, seek medical help for your feline friend if he or she tends to throw up frequently since it could be a sign of sickness.

Severe symptoms like a cat throwing up blood or a yellow substance could need vet intervention. Monitor any other weird signs, then talk to your vet.

Treatment of Cat Vomiting

The vet will diagnose the cat and determine the possible cause of the vomiting. Once the illness is identified, the vet will prescribe the exact form of treatment.

Therefore, the treatment of cat puking depends on the cause. Learn to give your greedy feline a small portion of food as well as provide adequate clean water.

Withhold specific foodstuffs that trigger puking and call your vet in case of unknown reasons behind throwing up.

How to Prevent Cat from Throwing Up

There are so many actions that you can consider to reduce or prevent frequent cat vomiting. They include:

  • Feed your small cat portions of the meal in case he or she devours food quickly.
  • Switch to grain-free food if you suspect allergies are behind the throwing-up problem in the cat.
  • Visit your veterinarian to examine your cat regularly.
  • Adopt a routine of grooming your cat to prevent swallowing of hairballs.
  • Keep toxic chemicals, medications, and another dangerous items out of pet reach.

Sources and References

Craig B. Webb, PhD, DVM, DACVIM. “Vomiting in Cats.” Merck Veterinary Manual.
Editor. “Caring for my Cat.” RSPCA Knowledgebase.
Lindsay Beaton. “Rendered Ingredients and Pet Food.” Pet Food Industry.

Serina Russow
Serina Russow
Hey there, I'm Serina, your friendly feline fanatic! As the proud founder of "Smart cat lovers," I'm on a mission to share my passion for all things cat-related. With years of experience in cat behavior and health, I'm here to provide expert advice on nurturing happy, healthy kitties. When I'm not tapping away on my keyboard, you'll find me curled up with my four adorable furballs: Whiskers, Luna, Billy, and Charlie.

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