Thursday, July 25, 2024

Will Cat Conjunctivitis Go Away By Itself? 3 Common Cat Eye Problems

Will Cat Conjunctivitis Go Away By Itself?

When you are communicating with your cat through winks and notice they are rubbing their eyes, they could be suffering from allergies. Vet intervention is required because there could be a more serious problem troubling them. It is better not to underrate them rubbing their eyes for allergies because there could be other complications that may cause serious problems to their eyes. Eye care for cats is the most important healthcare because it impacts them for a lifetime once the vision is affected. Studies have found that cats are not susceptible to eye problems like dogs do, only the cases that happen are severe and chronic in cats.

Common eye problems for cats include


Conjunctivitis a.k.a “pink eye” occurs when inflammation affects the mucous membrane lining between the eyelids and the eyeball. The “pink eye” disease in humans is contagious while the same condition in cats is only passed between felines.

What causes conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis typically happens due to illness in the upper respiratory tract. It can be either bacterial or viral infection. Symptoms and signs of conjunctivitis are commonly runny eyes. The eye discharge color may be clear, grey, green, yellow, or dark-rusty red. Inside the eye might be swollen or reddened on both eyes or one. Nasal discharge or sneezing may accompany.

Will Cat Conjunctivitis Go Away By Itself?

No, usually you need to treat it. You can treat conjunctivitis using topical antibiotics such as ointment or drops. Treat upper tract respiratory illness if present also. There is one serious eye disorder namely FHV-1 if your cat is suffering from this virus, further treatment and control are recommended.

Other eye infections

It is not only conjunctivitis that cats experience in an eye infection. Additional infections may be common in cats and are often a result of respiratory illness spreading into the eyes. Eye infections can be contagious or not, the underlying causes are the determinants. The common culprits of eye infections include; bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. Common signs of eye infection include rubbing, swelling of the eyeballs, redness, eye discharge in different colors and textures, sneezing plus nasal discharge.

The treatments for eye infections

Veterinarians treat the underlying causes of infection-causing eye infections. For mild infections, let your cat have plenty of rest and clear eye discharge, and provide them with a balanced diet and a lot of water to drink. Severe infections will require treatment with eye drops or eye ointments and systemic antibiotics.


Itchy and watery eyes are generally caused by irritants in the environment cats spend most of their time. What causes cats to have eye irritation include; strong fragrance. Cleaning chemicals, air conditioners, tobacco smoke, or dust. Anything getting in the eye of a cat is likely to irritate. Symptoms include; rubbing or squinting, redness of the eyeball, and eye discharge.

How to get rid of eye irritation

If your cat will allow you, rinse the eyes using an eyewash solution. And if symptoms persist seek vet advice because it could be a cause for other serious infections. If you know the irritant, get rid of it immediately from the house.

Corneal ulcers

This is potentially a serious eye condition for cats to have. Open sores on the eyeballs cause the affected areas to appear cloudy. Corneal ulcers are caused by injuries to the eyeball, dry eyes, anatomic abnormalities, or untreated eye infections. Aside from cloudiness in areas affected, rubbing and/or squinting will be imminent. Also, redness, eye discharge, and eye pains are common symptoms.

How to treat corneal ulcers

If mild ulcers, the condition will disappear when the underlying causes are treated. Eye drops and ointment plus systemic antibiotics can relieve the pain. NB – ulcers that get deeper may require eye surgery. If corneal ulcers get treated early they can be cured and if untreated for long, it may lead to blindness or eye disfigurement.


This condition is a result of pressure buildup by excessive fluids in the eye. It is an eye condition that needs urgent treatment because it may lead to permanent blindness or eye disfigurement.

What causes Glaucoma

Several things may prevent fluid from draining from the eye causing buildup pressure and leading to glaucoma. Eye infections, tumors, inflammation, and anatomic abnormalities are the major culprits. Some cats may have a genetic predisposition to this condition. Signs & symptoms of glaucoma include; rubbing eyes and squinting, withdrawal from people, cloudy eyes, reddened eyes, swollen eyeballs, and yowling.

How to treat glaucoma

If your cat has glaucoma, it is advisable to rush them to a pet vet as soon as you can. The sooner the fluid buildup is drained it relieves the pressure and improves the chances to save the eye. If mild, treating the underlying causes may be sufficient to ill your cat’s eye. Severe cases require close monitoring to curb excessive buildup of fluid in the eye. If the worst comes to be, the eye may be removed.


Cloudy areas in the lens that block light from travelling to the back of an eye leading to partial or total lost vision. Cataracts result due to aging of a cat but diabetes mellitus and the eye’s uvea inflammation may cause cataracts. Electric shock and exposure to toxic substances or radiation are the major causes. Cataracts sometimes indicate a deficiency in calcium in the cat’s body. Symptoms of cataracts include a cloudy or milky appearance, and loss of vision which results in pumping into objects. They may also walk slowly trying to figure out if they are making steps in the right surfaces and directions. If the cause of cataracts is diabetes mellitus, cats may experience loss of weight, frequent urination, and excessive thirst.

How to treat cataracts

If a cataract is not a result of aging, visit the vet to treat the separate causes. Surgery to restore vision may be required, although cats can adapt to living with cataracts easily even without treatment.

In summary

Will Cat Conjunctivitis Go Away By Itself? If your cat has any sign of eye disorder, visit the vet immediately. Many eye conditions share similar symptoms and if the right treatment is not offered, your cat risks losing their vision.

Serina Russow
Serina Russow
Hey there, I'm Serina, your friendly feline fanatic! As the proud founder of "Smart cat lovers," I'm on a mission to share my passion for all things cat-related. With years of experience in cat behavior and health, I'm here to provide expert advice on nurturing happy, healthy kitties. When I'm not tapping away on my keyboard, you'll find me curled up with my four adorable furballs: Whiskers, Luna, Billy, and Charlie.

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