Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Cats Eat Dried Catnip? Catnip Pros And Cons

Can Cats Eat Dried Catnip? Well, catnip is a natural herb safe for felines. The catnip plant usually makes some felines go crazy from sniffing to playing with it.

The good news is that cats can eat catnip but in moderation. They are obligate carnivores, which means they rely more on animal proteins for survival.

The smell of catnip plants is quite impressive, and they are readily available in many pet stores across the world. They are easy to grow and use for felines.

Hence, felines do love catnip plants. There are a lot of guidelines to put into consideration before feeding your furry friend with catnip.

In this article, you will explore detailed information on how to use catnip for cats beyond sniffing alone. Let’s find out:

Can Cats Eat Dried Catnip?

A lot of dried catnip is found in many pet stores in the form of flakes and pellets. According to research, they tend to have a substantial effect when compared to the fresh catnip plant.

If you want to increase the intensity of the bliss in the feline, then it is advisable to consider dried catnip pellets or flakes.

It is advisable not to expose the flakes or pellets to the kittens since their digestive system is not well developed.

Also, keep in mind that your cat will be high for more than thirty minutes since the chemical compound is much stronger.

What Is A Catnip?

Catnip is a natural herb under the mint family in the plant kingdom. The herb is also known as catmint or catwort. The herb contains some chemicals that usually attract cats.

Nepetalactone is a stimulant chemical present in the herb, and this is what typically attracts felines. When the cat sniffs the plant leaves, they tend to become high, and your mind thinks your furry friend is crazy.

The good news is that the chemical compound does not distort the mind of your cat. It usually lasts for about ten minutes, and the cat goes back to a reasonable condition.

Above all, some felines usually react negatively to the catnip due to the chemical compound. If your feline hates the scent, then do not force them.

What Does Catnip Contain?

Catnip is an herb in the mint family. These plants tend to contain nepetalactone. This is a chemical compound that attracts cats.

The chemical compound is known to make the feline high, like when people smoke marijuana. This situation happens when the feline sniffs the scent of the herb.

The most beautiful thing is that the chemical element does not distort the mind of the furball. The condition usually lasts for about ten to fifteen minutes.

In case the feline sniffs again the scent, it will last for about one hour or more. The feline will return to normal states after the time elapses.

On the other hand, the scent of the plant might not be suitable for some felines, and this is the reason why many vets do not recommend it.

Is Catnip A Drug For Cats?

The effect of catnip scent has made many cat owners worried about it, especially the part where the feline becomes high.

The most beautiful thing about the catnip effect is the short term. Besides that, it does not pose a long-term effect on the feline brains and body.

According to veterinarian research, many felines tend to habituate it quickly as compared to humans towards weed.

Also, catnip does not result in an addictive nature. Therefore, do not be afraid when the feline becomes crazy after sniffing the scent of the herb.

Is Catnip Safe For Cats?

The catnip plant is non-toxic; hence, the feline can be ingested but in moderation. It does not contain any vitamin, taurine, and proteins. Therefore, it has no nutritional value to the feline.

Besides that, it has no health benefits. Ensure your feline friend sticks to animal proteins rather than plant proteins since they are obligate carnivores.

However, catnip is a medicinal herb for human beings. It is known to treat various ailments, and this is the reason why it is popular in many homes.

Is Catnip Good For Cats?

Catnip is non-toxic to cats. These felines can sniff and even ingest the leaves without experiencing any severe side effects.

However, the herb has no nutritional value or health benefits to the feline. Withdrawing the plant in the diet of the feline has no problem.

The sniffing effect is what makes the feline to get attracted to the plant. Besides that, it helps to refresh the mood of the feline.

If you have a furry friend who usually becomes moody in the morning, then it is good to introduce catnip in their daily routine.

The chemical compound present in the herb will help to toss the mind of the feline a little bit. Remember, this should be done in moderation to raise a healthy and happy feline.

Is Catnip Bad For Cats?

Catnip is very safe for cats. A lot of research has been conducted on the chemical compound present in the herb, and it has been proven to be quite safe for cats.

If you happen to administer a high concentration of nepetalactone to the furry friend, it has no adverse side effects in the long run.

Unfortunately, the digestive system of the feline is meant for digesting animal proteins but not plants. Some kitties might experience diarrhea and vomiting due to stomach upset.

The good news is that the symptom tends to disappear after some time if you retrieve the plant away from the felines.

Expose the herb to the cat at least once a month. If the symptoms persist, then it is advisable to consult your veterinarian.

Can Cats Eat Catnip Plant?

Cats can ingest catnip plants. But this should be done in moderation since their digestive system is typically meant for animal proteins.

Small portion consumption is proven to be harmless. Too much could upset the stomach of some felines and result in diarrhea.

The most beautiful thing is that the symptoms last for a short period without medical treatment. Besides that, do not substitute the diet of cats with plants.

Why Do Cats Like Catnip?

Catnip is a plant quite common in Africa, Europe, and Asia. The herb effect is so refreshing to many felines. This is the reason why felines highly love many cat toys with dried and ground catnip.

The chemical compound is a stimulant, and it usually triggers overwhelming happiness in many felines. The cat can even rub against the leaves and lick them due to the appealing smell.

Unfortunately, not all cats tend to love catnip since it can usually cause an unpleasant reaction to them. Some felines experience an upset stomach after ingesting.

The good thing about the effect and symptoms of catnip tend to last for a short period. Hence, there is no need to get worried or seek medical help.

How To Use Catnip For Cats

There are three ways to serve your feline with catnip. It can be served in liquid, dried, and fresh form.

You can sprinkle dried and ground catnip on your favorite food. But you need to be quite careful since this can trigger your feline to overeat.

Besides that, you can spray the liquid catnip in the house, and the fumes can make your feline friend high.

However, some felines might experience sneezing and shaking of the head. This is considered to be reasonable, and it lasts for about twenty minutes at most.

Also, try to administer catnip in moderation since excessive consumption might upset the cat’s stomach, causing diarrhea and vomiting.

Can Cats Overdose On Catnip?

Catnip is harmless to cats, even if it is administered in excess quantity. Therefore, cats can sniff the leaves of the plant in excess without any problem.

Cats are obligate carnivores and hence stick to animal protein diets. If the furry friend consumes too much catnip, it might become sick. Always learn to moderate the number of things the feline consumes.

The good news is that most felines can easily sense if they have reached the maximum level. Thus, the chances of reaching an overdose are normally low.

Do not force your furry friend to eat catnip if he refuses. Forcing them might result in mild trouble in the long run.

What Happens When Cats Eat Catnip?

The effect of catnip on felines is still a mystery. According to recent reports from veterinarians, catnip usually causes hallucinogenic effects in cats.

The effect tends to be mild when compared to weed. It is never advisable to share drugs with pets. Despite that, it is illegal and against animal rights.

The scent of the catnip makes the cat be high, and the effect takes about fifteen to twenty minutes. You will notice your feline rolling on the ground after sniffing.

Further Reading:
1. Can Cats Eat Crab?
2. Can Cats Eat Asparagus?
3. Can Cats Eat Cucumber? 
4. Can Cats Taste Spicy?
5. Can Cats Eat Rice?

Summary of Cat and Catnip

Catnip is safe for cats. You can feed the feline with either dried or fresh catnip plants. This should be done in moderation since they are obligate carnivores.

Some felines tend to react negatively after ingesting the herb. This usually occurs when too much catnip is administered.

The best thing is that the reaction effect takes a short period; hence no need to call upon the veterinarian for assistance.

I hope the article was useful. Use the comment section to share your experience between your feline friend and the catnip plant.

Sources and References

  1. Uses and Effects of Catnip. Canadian Veterinary Journal.
  2. Catnip and the Catnip Response. Springer Community.
  3. Inheritance of the Catnip. The Journal of Heredity.
Serina Russow
Serina Russow
Hey there, I'm Serina, your friendly feline fanatic! As the proud founder of "Smart cat lovers," I'm on a mission to share my passion for all things cat-related. With years of experience in cat behavior and health, I'm here to provide expert advice on nurturing happy, healthy kitties. When I'm not tapping away on my keyboard, you'll find me curled up with my four adorable furballs: Whiskers, Luna, Billy, and Charlie.

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