Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can Cats Have Autism?

Can cats have autism? This is one of the most asked questions by cat owners and feline fans all over many forums as well as Facebook groups.

Can a cat have autism? Absolutely no. Autism is a condition quite common in human beings but not in felines. However, your furry friend might display some behaviors similar to those of autistic conditions.

As much as we treat pets with kindness, it is good to have a clear understanding of their behaviors and health. Felines do not behave like humans despite many pet owners giving them human qualities.

Kelvin Bruce DVM is going to walk you through the meaning, how to tell if a cat has autism, and how to handle such situations. Let’s dive into the topic.

What Is Autism?

Autism is a condition that results in complex disabilities in the development of certain parts of the brain. It is also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

The disorder normally occurs during childhood and it causes the inability to form a relationship, communicate, and socialize with others.

There are a lot of myths linked to the condition like being caused by vaccination. This is not true at all. But lots of misinformed pet owners have bought the idea and they are avoiding vaccinating their furry friends.

The truth of the matter is that such disorders do not occur in felines. However, cats might display the same behavior as an autistic person but this is quite normal for them.

According to animal behavioral studies, felines tend to have unique traits when it comes to forming bonds and communication with their owners.

You need to be attentive in every aspect so that you can have a clear understanding of your feline friend. We recommend not to buy the myth of vaccination.

Can Cats Get Autism?

Do cats develop autism? Not really. But many pet parents normally compare the behavior of their feline friends with those of autistic.

At the moment, there is still some research being undertaken to prove the relationship between cats and autism.

According to medical reports, the condition is regarded to be genetic and this has helped to rule out the issue of vaccination.

If you want to raise a healthy and happy feline then always consider vaccinating them. This will help to protect them against many diseases in the long run.

If you notice that your feline friend spends most of the time staring in the space then do not conclude that she is autistic.

We recommend you consult your veterinarian but this is normally not a serious thing to get worried about according to an animal behaviorist.

How to Tell If My Cat Is Autistic

There are a lot of autistic cat memes over the internet but do not allow this to toss your mind that cats have Asperger’s.

Human beings with autism normally display a lot of symptoms and some of them might be present in your feline current behavior.

In a real sense, cats do not experience autism at all. Does my cat have an autism quiz? Well, treat all these questions as myths.

All in all, here are some of the most common autistic behaviors shown by cats. Let’s find out more:

Lack of Social Interaction

Anti-social behavior is one of the key features of autism. Cats are normally independent and they tend to obey the personal space of other felines.

Besides that, they love to spend most of their time alone. This is the misunderstanding that many pet owners tend to link their felines with autism.

Vocalization Issues

An individual with autism normally lacks proper verbal communication. These patients tend to have excessive communication with a specific person.

Cats typically have the behavior of purring and meowing when close to their owners. This does not imply that they are autistic. Some cats are extremely talkative while others are not.

If you have a feline friend who meows a lot at night then it is advisable to seek a medical opinion from a professional vet.

Meanwhile, you can read our guide about the causes of cat vocalization at night and get to understand the reasons behind the issue.

Sensory Abnormalities

Lack of focus is an issue quite common among autistic patients and this happens due to sensory abnormalities.

Some felines may appear to lack focus due to uncoordinated movement and diminished expression responsiveness.

The good news is that the behavior is not brought about by autism. It is a clear indication that your feline friend has an issue like an infected wound, depression, or organ failure.

We recommend you take her to a vet for a medical checkup and treatment. This will help to rule out the issue of autism in cats.

Extraordinary Intelligence in Cats

Cats are naturally intelligent when compared to other pets at home. The level of intelligence is determined when hunting since they tend to quite focus despite any disruption.

Some of the most intelligent cat breeds are Birman and Abyssinians due to their intense focus while hunting rodents or birds.

If you notice the feline is focusing on one thing for a long then do not misunderstand it with autism condition.

Can Cats Help Children with Autism?

Kitties are not prone to autism and something surprising is that they normally help children with autism.

There is a lot of research and studies that prove cats are good when it comes to dealing with autistic children.

The most wonderful thing is that these felines help autistic children to communicate well and efficiently.

A medical report shows that autistic children interacting with pets once they wake up helps to reduce cortisol hence end up having a less stressful day.

Cats cannot have autism but they are heroes when it comes to helping patients with the condition.

How to Handle Cats with Autism

As mentioned earlier, cats do not get autism. The weird behavior displayed by your feline friend can easily be managed.

However, if you are finding it hard then you might be required to take them for training. The training will help get rid of these behaviors in the long run.

All in all, it is advisable to understand the behavior of your feline friend and train her to have the best behavior. Also, learn to give them personal space since they are typically independent.

Note: Here is the book that will give you more insights about cats and autism: All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome. It is quite affordable and insightful.

Final Thoughts about Cats and Autism

The most beautiful thing is that cats cannot be diagnosed with autism. The behavior shown by patients with autism is quite common in cats.

In case the feline is behaving in a weird way then it is advisable to seek an opinion from a professional veterinarian.

Therefore, if you have an autistic child then it is advisable to connect her or him with a cat. These creatures are heroes in this sector. Good Luck!

Sources and References

  1. Common Cat Behavior Issues. ASPCA
  2. Normal Cat Behavior. Cat Health.
  3. Autism Meaning. Autism Speaks.
Serina Russow
Serina Russow
Hey there, I'm Serina, your friendly feline fanatic! As the proud founder of "Smart cat lovers," I'm on a mission to share my passion for all things cat-related. With years of experience in cat behavior and health, I'm here to provide expert advice on nurturing happy, healthy kitties. When I'm not tapping away on my keyboard, you'll find me curled up with my four adorable furballs: Whiskers, Luna, Billy, and Charlie.

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