Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Why Does My Cat Lick Me Then Bite Me?

Why Does My Cat Lick Me Then Bite Me? Read on to find the best answer!

Cats are adorable furry souls who are so easy to pet. They are harmless, comfortable to touch, and lovely with a layer of fluffy fur usually of different colors, mostly white or black, with a pair of big, round, expressive eyes.

If one owns a cat, it must have been a frequent experience of the cat first licking and then all of a sudden biting the owner. So, why does my cat lick me then bite me?

It might be a sign that we need to stop petting them, or maybe it is an outcome of a playful action or merely a part of its grooming.

Why Does My Cat Lick Me Then Bite Me?

The tongue of a cat is very uniquely designed. It consists of keratin spines that help them clean themselves- removing a coat of dirt lying on their fur, brushing themselves, and drinking water.

A rough tongue serves many purposes for the cat.

Positive Social Behavior

When a cat licks us, especially our hair, it looks upon us as one of them. Cats conduct grooming for us, thinking us to be his peer, representing the cat’s and its owner’s highly healthy social behavior.

Licking can as well be a sign of affection of the cat for its owner. However, too much licking might be a clear indication of some of the psychological stress that the cat is undergoing. It might be a sign of anxiety or depression.

Why Does a Cat Bite?

Getting bitten by an angry or a frightened cat has absolutely nothing to do with a playful bite, even though the pain inflicted by both might be equally hurtful.

Angry or scared cats have indicative body language such as contracted muscles, hissing sounds, or a curved posture. An angry bite or a scratch is a clear warning, and either we should stop petting or disturbing the cat any further.

Reasons Why Your Cat Is Licking and Then Biting 

  • The Cat Creates a Bond with The Owner Through the Process of Grooming

Cats usually lick their fur to detangle them and give a finish afterward. This is a very common grooming activity that a cat performs for itself. The licking might be accompanied by small bites or nips that would aid its grooming process.

Cats would love to do the same for their favourite human friends. It is a bond

strengthening technique for the cat. Nibbling might hurt, but it is undoubtedly something that a cat is doing out of sibling-like affection.

This means one’s cat is extremely comfortable, content, and relaxed in the presence of the owner

  • The Cat Seeks a Partner for Playing with It

Pointy whiskers, ears, dilated pupil, and raised tail are cues to join him at his playtime. On licking and biting gently, the cat addresses the owner as best friend and that she is in a mood to play with the owner.

  • The Cat Needs a Break from The Owner’s Touch

An overstimulated cat, which has mood swings and agitation due to the owner’s overly aggressive petting or playing, might give a bite or lick the owner excessively to prevent him from touching her too much.

Signs of an overstimulated cat include:

  1. Tail rippling.
  2. Flicking of ears in a back-and-forth motion.
  3. Flattening of its ears against its head.
  • A Stressed-Out Cat

Anxiety and depression are common in cats. These issues can emerge out of ill health conditions or hormonal changes associated with their growth and aging.

Excessive licking and biting suggest that the owner shouldn’t disturb them and leave them alone for the time being. Behavioural issues can be treated with the use of CBD oils or prescribed medications by a vet.

Ways To Stop a Cat from Biting You

Biting is a serious issue and shouldn’t be neglected.

  • Discouraging The Action at An Initial Stage

The bites of an older cat are more painful than that of a younger one. Discouraging the biting habits at a kitten stage by training him that biting humans and toys are different. Offering them with a toe or a finger should never be done.

  • Act Like One Is in Pain When the Cat Bites

Instead of withdrawing a finger stuck inside the cat’s mouth, the owner should express pain and reinforce the finger inside so that the cat automatically loosens the bite.

  • Providing The Cat with Alternative Toys to Bite

To quench the chewing habit of a cat, one can provide it with stuffed toys to chew on. This would prevent the cat from chewing off of the owner’s belongings or his hands.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Does a Cat Grabs the Owner’s Hand and Bite Him?

It results from the hunting behavior of a cat. This is a very natural instinct of the cat. Any further stimulation by external touch might worsen its aggressive nature during that time.

What Is the Most Aggressive Breed of Cats?

Siamese cats are the most aggressive breed among cats.


Cat bites are highly infectious. Septicemia is a state of blood poisoning that occurs from cat bites. It shouldn’t be neglected and requires immediate hospitalization. If the infections are left untreated, they might turn fatal. Tetanus, rabies, and cat scratch fever are some of the diseases linked to cat bites.

Serina Russow
Serina Russowhttp://smartcatlovers.org
Hey there, I'm Serina, your friendly feline fanatic! As the proud founder of "Smart cat lovers," I'm on a mission to share my passion for all things cat-related. With years of experience in cat behavior and health, I'm here to provide expert advice on nurturing happy, healthy kitties. When I'm not tapping away on my keyboard, you'll find me curled up with my four adorable furballs: Whiskers, Luna, Billy, and Charlie.

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