Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up White Foam? 7 Deadly Reasons…

Why is my cat throwing up white foam? Well, this is one of the horrible chores that many cat owners tend to experience sometimes when living with their feline friends.

Cat vomiting white foam is not a normal thing. It is a clear indication that the feline is suffering from a certain underlying issue that needs medical attention. We recommend you consult your vet to figure out the main cause of the problem.

I’m going to walk you through some of the possible causes of cat vomiting white foam and what to do to bring a cat relief.

Is It Normal for Cats to Throw Up White Foam?

If you have a feline friend that vomits once in a while is considered to be normal. But if the cat is vomiting white foam regularly then it is not considered normal.

Sometimes throwing up is not an indication of illness to felines and this should not toss your mind at all. The best thing to do is to consult a professional vet for a checkup and examination.

According to veterinarian reports, vomiting is a behavioral issue in cats and also a way of getting rid of toxic substances in the body.

Some of the possible things that trigger cats to vomit white foam to be considered normal are running after eating a meal, overeating, and swallowing indigestible materials like grass.

However, we recommend you monitor your feline friend to see if there are other symptoms that accompany throwing up white foam.

Any weird sign normally implies there is a problem that needs immediate medical attention. Take the cat to the vet for examination and treatment.

Why Is My Cat Vomiting White Foam?

White Cat Foam on the Floor

Spotting your feline friend throwing up white foam can make you a bit worried. This happens so since human vomiting is a sign of illness.

However, furry friends throwing up white foam is pretty a common thing and there is no need to get worried at all.

If the behavior happens frequently then it is an indication of something that needs immediate medical attention from a professional vet.

Here are some of the possible things that trigger cat throwing up white foam:

1. Excessive Accumulation of Hairballs in the Stomach

Cats love grooming themselves and in the process end up swallowing the fur which later forms hairballs. Their body will respond by triggering vomiting to get rid of the hairballs.

Some of the gastric liquid and pressure used to throw out hairballs happen to be the reason behind the white foam.

We recommend you groom your feline friend and increase cat food that has high fiber to help in treating the situation.

If your furball keeps on vomiting frequently white foam with releasing hairballs then you need to talk to your veterinarian since it could be a sign of illness.

2. Indigestion Problem

Stomach upset is the number of possible causes of cat vomiting. The upset occurs due to a number of reasons which are either normal or severe.

Eating too much food or changing the cat food brand suddenly can trigger a feline to vomit white foam. This is considered to be normal and can easily be managed.

Starving your furry friend can her vomit white foam since the stomach will experience acidic irritation. We recommend you feed your furball based on a daily schedule.

Lastly, gastroenteritis and irritable bowel syndrome are some of the most serious stomach conditions that can result in foamy white vomit. Here you will be expected to consult your vet for prescription and advice about their diet.

3. Presence of Parasite in the Stomach

Cats are highly susceptible to parasite infestation like tapeworms and roundworms. If you have not dewormed your feline friend for a couple of years then expect foamy white vomit on your way.

It is advisable to deworm your kittens and adult cats at least twice a year. This will save you from a hell of a disgusting chore of cleaning cat vomit.

Always check the stool of the furry friend once you notice the behavior to see the presence of worms. This is the best way to tell if your feline is infested with parasites.

Note: You can read our article on how to get rid of tapeworms and other parasites in a cat. The article provides insight into the causes, signs, and treatment course to consider.

4. Hyperthyroidism

Senior cats are highly susceptible to an overactive thyroid. The disease normally results in cat vomiting and loss of weight.

The feline suffering from the disease usually eats a lot, drinks more water, and experiences diarrhea and excessive meowing.

If you have a furry friend suffering from the disease then you need to consult your vet for a blood check. This will help determine the level of thyroid hormones.

The feline will be subjected to daily medication to help alleviate the symptoms associated with the disease.

5. Renal Insufficiency

This is another common problem among senior cats. Chronic kidney disease normally results in an increase in water intake, loss of appetite, dehydration, and sometimes foamy white vomit.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for the disease but the symptoms can easily be managed through medication.

We recommend you take the feline to the vet for a thorough diagnosis and daily medications to suppress the symptoms causing the various issues in the feline.

Also, you can read my article and learn the reasons why my cat is drinking a lot of water. Here you will discover the possible causes and treatment plans to consider.

6. Cats with Diabetes

Diabetes in cats is becoming another great blow to the cat community. Most of these felines with the condition normally experience increased water intake and urination.

Other symptoms like chronic vomiting, weight gain, bad breath, and change in the quality of the skin coat.

If you notice such symptoms in your furball then make an immediate appointment with your veterinarian.

The furry friend will be subjected to insulin therapy and also a change in their diet. Cats with diabetes normally need a special diet.

7. Hepatic Insufficiency

Weight loss, vomiting, yellowing of skin or sclera, and loss of appetite are among the top symptoms of a cat with a liver problem.

The bad news is that liver disease in cats is not curable but the symptoms can easily be managed by medication. You will be required to create a treatment plan with your vet.

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up White Foam and Lethargic?

Cats are curious and skittish creatures. They find themselves eating things that they are not supposed to which later causes stomach irritation.

When such a situation happens then they normally experience vomiting white foam and either blood or bile.

On the other hand, cats suffering from gastritis typically exhibit loss of appetite, dehydration, lethargy, and depressed attitude.

You will be required to take her to the nearest vet for examination and confirm if gastritis is the possible reason.

The good news is that a treatment plan will be scheduled and this will help to get rid of the current problem in your furry friend.

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up Saliva Foam?

Cats behave like humans and they need healthy food to enhance their well-being. Feeding your feline friend with all sorts of things is not advisable.

Natural cat food is considered to be friendly to cats over commercial food brands that contain artificial flavors and preservatives.

These ingredients in some commercial cat food brands normally trigger stomach irritation and vomiting in cats.

Cat throwing up saliva foam is a clear indication that they have fed on cheap and low-quality cat food. Consult your vet about the best cat food for preventing vomiting.

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up White Foam And Not Eating?

Well, cat vomiting white foam is not a sign of illness but the condition can result in other secondary issues like dehydration and loss of appetite.

According to the veterinarian report, home caring for a vomiting cat is a crucial thing to consider. Here you will be required to withdraw the cat food for some hours and provide clean water.

Monitor the condition of the feline and if the condition persists then consult your vet immediately. Starving your feline friend for a long could result in severe problems.

It is quite easy to tell if your furball is dehydrated. She will experience sunken eyes, panting, and a tented skin coat. Always exercise caution when it comes to cat vomiting.

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up Milky White Liquid?

Cat vomiting milky white liquid is probably bile and there is nothing to get worried about but you need to avoid such occurrences.

Cleaning cat puke frequently can disgusting. Therefore, you need to check the health and the death of your furry friend.

Schedule a feeding plan for your feline friend and try to ration the amount of food being fed to the cat. This will help to curb the issue of throwing up bile frequently.

Also, remember to provide adequate clean drinking water for your feline friend since it helps to foster a proper digestion process.

Why Is My Kitten Throwing Up White Foam And Not Eating?

The same reasons that make an adult cat vomit are the same that trigger throwing up in kittens. However, kittens have the tendency of overeating and this could result in constipation.

The indigestion issue will probably make the kitten start vomiting and this is the reason why it is important to control their eating habits.

Besides that, if you happen to give your furballs cow milk then expect the same feline to puke whitish foam. This happens because they lack an enzyme that will enhance the digestion of lactose in the milk.

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up Clear Liquid And Foam?

A cat vomiting clear liquid is normally a sign of pancreatitis. The condition affects the pancreas which plays a vital role in digestive health.

The pancreas is known for producing a certain liquid that helps in the digestion of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. In the case of pancreatitis, the cat will vomit the liquid.

Sometimes, the cat can become lethargic and refuse food. The problem can be life-threatening and hence needs medical attention from a professional.

The exact cause of the condition is not yet discovered by it is linked to the ingestion of insecticides, consuming food with too many fats, parasites, and trauma.

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up White Mucus?

Cat throwing up white mucus is normally not a serious problem unless it occurs frequently. Chronic vomiting mucus could be a sign that your feline has an issue with the respiratory system.

Such serious conditions usually require professional examination and this will help to tell what the reason might be.

Therefore, if you have a feline friend that pukes white mucus frequently then you need to consult your vet for a thorough examination.

What to Do If the Cat is Vomiting White Foam?

If you have a feline that is vomiting white foam then you will be expected to withdraw food for a couple of twelve hours. This will help to reduce stomach inflammation. Stick to a bland diet until the cat ceases to vomit.

On the other hand, if the cat experiences stomach upset then you can provide them with peppermint tea that has no sugar. The brew will help to settle tummy upset that is triggering foamy white vomit.

Consider grooming your feline and this will prevent swallowing of fur which could cause the formation of hairballs in their stomach.

Furthermore, you can read our guide about the best cat food for older cats that vomit. You will get to know the best food brands for cats experiencing vomiting issues.

Cat Throwing Up White Foam Multiple Times

Cat throwing up white foam can be a worry and these felines are treated like family members. Offering a healthy diet and medical care should always be taken into consideration.

If you have a feline that vomits whitish stuff frequently and does not eat at all then you need to seek immediate medical help.

Frequent cat vomiting results in dehydration and loss of weight. This can negatively affect the well-being of your feline friend.

The veterinarian will examine the cat and identify the possible cause of foamy white vomit. An immediate treatment plan will be scheduled depending on the cause.

Serina Russow
Serina Russowhttp://smartcatlovers.org
Hey there, I'm Serina, your friendly feline fanatic! As the proud founder of "Smart cat lovers," I'm on a mission to share my passion for all things cat-related. With years of experience in cat behavior and health, I'm here to provide expert advice on nurturing happy, healthy kitties. When I'm not tapping away on my keyboard, you'll find me curled up with my four adorable furballs: Whiskers, Luna, Billy, and Charlie.

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